
Preventive measures and regulatory controls

Control the periodic maintenance of your assets with our CMMS.

AQ Manager offers you the possibility of defining your preventive maintenance plans, including the work steps to be carried out in the form of checklists, the measurements to be carried out, the spare parts required, the resources planned, etc.

Calendar frequencies and counters can be associated with it in order to build a provisional schedule for each equipment, building and site.

In addition, all your regulatory controls can be identified, planned and associated with your subcontractors. They can be automatically alerted by email, in advance of the interventions, thanks to the provisional schedule. Automatic reminders will be sent by email to your subcontractors if they do not respect their intervention deadline.

Personne qui utilise l'application Mobile GMAO pour la maintenance des équipements

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We would be delighted to discuss your needs and future plans with you.