The AQ Manager Full Web LIMS app is the latest 100% web-based version of our online lab management system. It has taken the market by storm, thanks to its web 2.0 technology and its user-friendliness, which make it a simple and very intuitive management application.
The AQ Manager Full Web LIMS app allows you to manage the quality controls that are to be carried out on the raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products.
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01. Production Quality Control
The AQ Manager LIMS app allows you to manage the quality controls that are to be carried out on semi-finished products and finished products via analysis range management and control plans that allow the analyses and tests to be carried out at the different stages of the manufacturing process, from the reception of raw materials to the moment the finished products are shipped to the customers.
These analysis ranges and control plans allow product compliance to be logged and checked by applying the control methods identified in the control ranges and plans and by ensuring compliance with standards and specifications in force.
02. For Service Providers
So when you receive a sample of this type, the AQ Manager LIMS app will automatically apply the control plan or range and allow products’ compliance with standards and specifications to be validated.
Your clients ask you to carry out very specific, one-off analyses of each sample received and the AQ Manager LIMS app therefore allows you to go and select the analysis methods that your clients have ordered from a library of methods, apply them to the samples received and verify the compliance of the results with the standards or specifications defined.
The AQ Manager LIMS app not only allows standard control plans that apply to the samples received to be mixed in but also allows the additional, supplementary analyses that clients request from time to time to be added to them.
03. Use in Research and Development
It allows research on new products and these different formulations to be managed (the formula for a product to be defined and several of them to be developed in order to decide which one is the best), and control plans to be defined based on its evolution. The Control plans obviously evolve at the same time as a function of product development and the AQ Manager LIMS app ensures that these different developments over time are logged.