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Stock management of your consumables, media and reagents

Optimise your stocks and improve their traceability with our LIMS!

AQ Manager offers you a complete and detailed identification of your stocks of consumables, media and reagents.

For each of them, detailed characteristics can be defined, and documents, safety sheets and photos can be associated with them thanks to our document management tool

Depending on your needs, your stocks can be managed globally, but also with batch numbers and expiry dates.

For each product, you will be able to identify different storage locations as well as precise locations.

As AQ Manager is a multi-site application, you will also be able to consult the stocks of other laboratories in your group in order to check their availability and request a transfer of those you need.

Stock placement, stock removal, transfer between laboratories, and inventories can be managed directly in the AQ Manager application.

Fonctionnalité AQ Manager LIMS
Les fonctionnalités AQ Manager LIMS

These can also be done through the mobile application by simply scanning barcode labels and QR codes that can be edited directly from the AQ Manager Full Web application.

A date-valued stock report can be edited in the QA Manager application in order to know the value of the stock at a given date with subtotals per laboratory and consumable and reagent family.

Minimum thresholds and replenishment thresholds can be defined for each product. These allow you to be alerted to the need for replenishment and to generate automatic order proposals to your suppliers.

These can take into account the purchasing conditions (supplier references, lead times, tariffs, delivery costs, etc.) that can be defined for each supplier in each product.

Our LIMS also allows you to manage your sample library!

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We would be delighted to discuss your needs and future plans with you.